There's a Quote that states " Not All Who Wander to the Fridge at Midnight are Lost" and I couldn't agree more... if you have some of these items you probably go to GAWK at your Kitchen Decor at Midnight and make the "midnight snack" excuse too! It's totally OKAY, you are not alone!! All jokes aside, these are some of my favorite Kitchen Decor items and the best thing about some of them are that they can be used for things too!! I love items that have a practical use along with being beautiful Eye-catching pieces!

A Cutting Board
If you have seen my latest Kitchen Decor you may have noticed I have several stacked cutting boards! Honestly, I love the warmth and texture it brings to a room by leaving it out on a shelf! You can also use different sized cutting boards to add different heights to your decor! Something about leaving a cutting board makes a kitchen feel like its at use even when its not! May sound silly but to me, leaving a cutting board out is like when your grandma left her Iron skillets on the stove! SO homey! Try it and maybe you'll understand what I am saying!
Plants and Vases
Greenery in a vase can bring any space to life! Being outside makes me feel 10x better but sometimes you just can't be outside! Maybe you have work or the weather is bad, but bringing greenery inside is the perfect way to make a room feel fresh and bright!
Riser Stands
I always get tons and tons of questions about my riser stand! I love the stand because it gives my counters some variation in heights, which draws attention to an area! PLUS they're just Pretty!
Everyone has to use some dishtowels and lets be honest, they are left out a lot when company is over. SO , to me its important to have cute ones! Here are some I love!
Coffee Mugs
Everyone here should know I LOVE Coffee by now! So, it should come without surprise that I decorate my Kitchen with coffee mugs! If you look closely at my newest Kitchen decor you will see some white coffee mugs on my Open Shelving! Practicality and Pretty, the best of both worlds!
Decorative Spoons
Before our Renovation on our Kitchen, we had some decorative spoons above our stove! I occasionally would use these too! I might end up adding these back to the new kitchen, I liked them so much!
Knife Strip Holder
First thing I thought of when making this RoundUp of my favorite kitchen items was this knife strip holder! I really can not wait to get this thing back up in my kitchen!! MUST HAVE, Y'ALL!!
Apothecary Glass Soap Dispenser
I love the warmth in Apothecary Glass! If you're Kitchen is as bright as mine, it will be the perfect small piece to bring some warmth to the sink area!
Dutch Oven
I use my dutch oven so often I like to leave it out on the stove sometimes! So when I found this cute white one, it had to go home with me!
Area Rug
An area rug can completely change a rooms look. It can bring out colors that would normally look bland! I love a good neutral rug which can either brighten a room or give it warmth, depending on your color scheme!
I love adding art to my Kitchen to give it the feel I am going for! This is where I tend to add color! I like to stay pretty neutral with all my other decor, mostly because I enjoy changing my space some and it's easier to do if you have small pieces that you can interchange instead of having to buy a whole new kitchen!